

Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck

1、set out 和set off 都有出发的意思,侧重点略有不同。set out 主要指从某地出发, set off 指开始 (旅行、赛跑等)。

例句:She is going to set out from the French coast at five o’clock in the morning.

Tom and I set off early in the morning.

2、 be与不同的副词连用,意思各不相同。

I’ll be back at six o’clock. (回来)

If anyone telephones, tell them I’ll be out all morning. (不在)

I went to Ted’s house and asked to see him but he wasn’t in. (不在)

Why don’t you forget about it? It’s all over. (都过去了)

What’s on at the local cinema this week? (上映)

She is not up to it. (胜任)

3、 一般将来时,表示将来要发生的事情。

结构:shall/will + 动词原形

例句:I shall see you tomorrow at 3 o’clock.

George will be here this evening.

4、take part in 参加,一般指正在参与某项活动。

enter for 报名参加,一般指报名了,活动还没开始,或者有可能没有实际参加这项活动。

例句:He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.

Nearly everybody enters for ‘The Nicest Garden Competition’ each year.


We shall meet our neighbour Captain Alison at Portsmouth Harbour early tomorrow morning. He will be in his small boat. He will leave at eight o’clock. We shall say goodbye to him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.


This text described that there is a captain among the neighbours of writer’s. He has already sailed across the Atlantic for many times. Recently he will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. The writer and other neighbours will say goodbye to him at the harbor and will see his little boat.

Abroad there are a great many people to play yacht or boat. They often sail into the sea or take part in some races across the ocean. But in China it is seldom happened. Maybe there are lots of the same situation in China but I don’t know.

Playing yacht or boat need large sums of money. Except buying yacht or boat, you should consider the cost of maintenance, repair and workers wages etc. So it is not everybody has ability to afford such large expenses.

Also it will be limited by the geographical location. Under inland city conditions it is impossible to play yacht and boat.
