


政法类 公办 专科(高职)

天津公安警官职业学院(Tianjin Public Security Profession College)始建于1949年1月,位于天津市西青区精武镇,是教育部批准的具有高等学历招生资格的专科层次普通高等学校,学院具有悠久的历史和光荣的革命传统,是天津市唯一的一所公安高校,录属于天津市公安局和天津市教委。 天津公安警官职业学院校园占地739.2亩,教学行政用房9.8万平米;设7个教学系部。2011年5月,经天津市委市政府批准,天津公安警官职业学院与天津市政法管理干部学院合并,师资力量、教学规模和办学水平等方面有了较大幅度提升,教育教学资源优势更加突出。

Tianjin Public Security Officers Vocational College

Tianjin Vocational College of Police Officers generally refers to Tianjin Vocational College of Public Security Police Officers

Public College of Politics and Law (Higher Vocational College)

Tianjin Public Security police vocational College (Tianjin Public Security Profession College) was founded in January 1949, is located in Tianjin xiqing district town, a famous martial art is approved by the Ministry of Education has the higher education recruit students qualified College levels of common colleges and universities, College has a long history and glorious revolutionary tradition, is the only Public Security universities in Tianjin, record belongs to the Tianjin Public Security bureau and Tianjin municipal education commission. Tianjin Vocational College of Public Security Officers covers an area of 739.2 mu, with 98,000 square meters of teaching and administrative housing. It has 7 teaching departments. In May 2011, with the approval of Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and Tianjin Municipal Government, Tianjin Vocational College of Public Security Police Officers merged with Tianjin College of Administrative Cadres of Politics and Law. The teachers, teaching scale and school running level have been greatly improved, and the advantages of education and teaching resources have become more prominent.

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