
1、拥挤英文:crowd 、congest、huddlecrowd 读音:英 [kra?d]     美 [kra?d]    n. 人群;群众;大群;朋友v. 拥挤;挤满;涌入;贴近;逼迫例句:I want to get there early to avoid the crowds.我想及早赶到那里,免得拥挤

2、congest读音:英 [k?nd?est] 美 [k?n?d??st] vt.充满,拥挤例句:Air traffic congest engenders huge economic loss, and it is also very dangerous to flight.空中交通拥挤不仅造成巨大的经济损失,也是飞行安全的重要隐患

3、huddle 读音:英 [h?dl] 美 [h?dl]    n. 杂乱一团;混乱;拥挤 v. 推挤;乱堆;草率了事例句:The track led them to a huddle of barns and outbuildings.那条路把他们带到了一片杂乱拥挤的谷仓和库房

4、扩展资料:反义词spacious 读音:英 [spe???s]  美 [spe???s]    adj. 宽敞的;广阔的例句:In its spacious halls are displayed over8000 priceless relics.在它宽敞的大厅里,展出了8000多件珍贵文物

5、roomy 读音:英 [?ru:mi] 美 [?rumi, ?r?mi] adj.宽敞的,宽大的例句:The home is a Paradise, so quiet and clean and roomy! 禽畜被赶走后,家就像天堂一样,如此的安宁,干净和宽敞!commodious 读音:英 [k??m??di?s] 美 [k??mo?di?s] adj.<正>宽敞的例句:A commodious, clean, bright environment. 宽敞的,干净的,和明亮的环境

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