

综合类 民办 普通本科

沈阳城市学院,位于辽宁沈阳,始建于2001年,是在中国高等教育改革的大潮中诞生的一所全日制本科院校,也是伴随着中国社会经济高速发展而成长起来的特色鲜明的应用型大学,其前身是沈阳大学科技工程学院。2013年,经教育部批准,正式转设为独立设置的民办普通本科高等学校,更名为沈阳城市学院。 学校位于沈阳市大浑南自贸区,毗邻著名空港桃仙机场,坐落于风景秀丽的绿岛森林公园内,校园背依凤凰山,环抱绿岛湖,在占地1300亩的风景园林中,50幢近26万平方米的教学建筑鳞次栉比,分布在山脚下、湖畔边。 学校下设机电工程学院、建筑工程学院、新闻与传播学院、商学院、绿岛酒店管理学院、语言文化学院、影视传媒学院以及通识教育学院、体育美育教学部等十个教学院部。根据社会经济建设发展需要,学校开设了涵盖理学、工学、经济学、管理学、文学、法学、艺术学等七大学科门类的专业33个,形成了特色鲜明的6大专业群。

Shenyang City College

Comprehensive private ordinary undergraduate course

Shenyang City University (SHCU), located in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, was founded in 2001 as a full-time undergraduate university in the tide of China's higher education reform. It is also an application-oriented university with distinctive characteristics that has grown up with the rapid development of China's social economy. Its predecessor was the College of Science and Technology and Engineering of Shenyang University. In 2013, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Shenyang City College was officially transformed into an independent private institution of higher learning and renamed Shenyang City College. The school is located in Shenyang Dahunnan Free Trade Zone, adjacent to the famous airport Taoxian Airport, and located in the beautiful Lvdao Forest Park. The campus is back to Fenghuang Mountain and surrounded by Lvdao Lake. In the landscape garden covering an area of 1,300 mu, there are 50 teaching buildings of nearly 260,000 square meters row upon row, distributed at the foot of the mountain and near the lake. The university consists of 10 teaching departments, including School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, School of Architectural Engineering, School of Journalism and Communication, School of Business, Green Island Hotel Management College, School of Language and Culture, School of Film and Television Media, School of General Education, and Department of Sports and Aesthetic Education. In order to meet the needs of social and economic development, the university has set up 33 majors in seven disciplines, including science, engineering, economics, management, literature, law and art, forming 6 major groups with distinctive characteristics.

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