
Today I’m joined by a former student of our school, Lisa Osborne. Lisa. graduated from our school last June and is about to go to college in New York.Interviewer: So what helped when your first started high school?other students. I even made some new friends!Just keep an open mind and take part. But how did you deal with new challenges, like starting a new course?wasn’t just about winning. So I kept working hard to support my teammates during

Developing idears

High School Hints

Interviewer: Hello and welcome to School Talk! Today I’m joined by a former student of our school, Lisa Osborne. Lisa

graduated from our school last June and is about to go to college in New York.

Lisa, thank you for coming to share your suggestions for high school with us.

Lisa: Hi, everybody. I’m very glad to be back. I feel as if high school was only yesterday.!

Interviewer: So what helped when your first started high school?

Lisa: Orientation Day was really helpful. It’s a fantastic opportunity for new students to get to know the school and the

other students. I even made some new friends! Just keep an open mind and take part

in as much as possible.

Interviewer: That’s sound advice for sure.

But how did you deal with new challenges, like starting a new course?

Lisa: I had a chemistry test right at the end of the first week. I was frightened at the sight of the test paper. But then I figured I’d better just go all out and see what happens. If you fail, no problem-next time you can fail better!

Interviewer: So, hold your head up, then.

But life is not always easy. You must have had some moments when you were disappointed. If so, how did you deal with them?

Lisa: As a member of the school volleyball team, I wasn’t selected for the end-of-year competition. At first I was really sad, but later I realized that I joined the team for the love of the sport. It

wasn’t just about winning. So I kept working hard to support my teammates during

our training. There’s always a way to be part of something you love, isn’t there?

Interviewer: Yes, I totally agree. Is there

anything else in particular that you’d like to share with us?

Lisa: Looking back on my high school life,

the most important advice I’d give is these wonderful words from the writer

Maya Angelou. She said, ”Be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud.” So, give your

friends a hand when they need it. And this will make you feel good, too.

Interviewer: Neat! Well, thanks again for

coming to speak to us, Lisa.

And good luck with college!

Lisa: Thank you.
