

The word "spy" is a newly born word on the Internet recently. The meaning of this word refers to "perverts" who spy on women with strange and evil eyes.

In fact, in real life, seeing adultery occurs in many aspects and also in many people.

For example, some people will pry into other people's privacy with ill intentioned purposes, and after breaking up, they will constantly look through the works of their predecessors, hoping that the other side will live worse than themselves.

Visual adultery occurs not only on familiar people, but also on two people who do not know each other.

Nowadays, young people are more open-minded and often have various forms of entertainment. However, many girls have poor safety awareness. Sometimes, if they do not pay attention, they may leave opportunities for bad people to take advantage of the opportunities.

Some "interested people" will see and rape girls through women's circle of friends or various social networking sites, and even through various social platforms, causing great trouble to girls.

In fact, no matter girls or boys, they should protect their information when they go out, and do not be targeted by "interested people"!
