
grapes 发音: 音标:/grep/ 翻译: n. 葡萄(grape的复数) 例句: 1.The juice of the grapes was pressed out.葡萄汁被压出来了。 2.Riesling grapes were al...





Unit 1

L1 ---Glad/ Nice to see you again.

---Glad/ Nice to see you, too.

Aa cat apple

Bb banana ball

L 2 ---This is our classroom.

---It’s nice.

---Yes, I like it.

Cc cap cow

Dd desk duck

L3 (1) I like the blackboard. It’s big.

(2) I like the eraser. It’s cute.

Ee egg


Unit 2

L5 (1)--- What do you do in the morning?

--- I go to school / the park.

(2) I like ... .

F f flag fox

Gg gift


L6 --- What do you do in the afternoon?

--- I have PE. / I go fishing.

H h hair head

L7 --- What do you do in the evening?

--- I watch cartoons. / I play games.

I i ice

ice cream

J j jam juice

Unit 3

L 9 --- What colour is your ball / bag?

--- It’s white / yellow.

K k kitten king

L l lion leaf

L10 --- Do you like this umbrella / that car?

--- Yes. I like it. / No. I like this black car.

M m monkey


N n net nose

L11 --- Guess! What colour is my kite?

--- It’s red.

--- Yes, you’re right.

Oo oil


Unit 4

L13 (1) --- How many apples / potatoes do you have?

--- I have three apples / four potatoes.

(2) Let me count.

Pp panda


Q q queen

L14 --- How many birds / stars can you see?

--- I can see six birds / seven stars!

R r rabbit


S s snake ship

L15 (1) --- How many cows do you have?

--- I have eight cows.

(2) --- How many ducks can you see?

--- I can see ten duck.

T t tiger


Unit 5

L 17 (1)--- Who’s this man?

--- He’s my uncle.

(2) --- Who’s that boy?

--- He’s my friend.

Uu uniform


V v van vest

L 18 (1)--- Who’s that woman?

---She’s my grandma. I love her.

(2) --- Who’s this girl?

---She’s my little sister.

Ww window


X x box ox

L19 (1) Happy Children’s Day!

(2) --- Who’s he?

--- He’s my cousin.

(3) --- Who’s she?

--- She’s my aunt.

Y y yogurt


Z z zebra zoo

Unit 6

L21 (1)--- Look! We are late.

--- Yes, I know.

(2) --- Sorry we are late.

--- It’s OK.


L22 (1) --- Who’s not here today?

---Maomao is not here.

(2) ---May I come in?

--- Come in, please.

(3) Maomao is late today.
