
同时还能提升自身的档次,倘若你真在寻找英文网名,却迟迟没有找到喜欢的,那么以... sincere(真心)49、Cherry(樱桃)50、Goodboy好男孩∷51、AGoodIdea(好主意)52...



Jan. 01, 20--.

Dear my friends, Good afternoon!

I Li Jin would deliver the speech today on winning your votes in favor of my holding presidential position in English Club, where you will grow to be one of excellent English learners. This you will find pleasant to improve in practice, in the belief that I will be extremely well qualified for the position up to my own quality together with my up-to-date ideas as follows.

In high team spirits, I consider it easy to establish well-working relation with you all as my sincere friends. This will ensure that I would help you with your English, which I’m good at speaking, listening to, or writing.

To communicate in English with each other, you all my fellows in the Club will be invited not only to attend a series of lectures once a month where you would have acquired knowledge about cultural courses in English, but to have English evening party once a week to get much enjoyment in making you understood in English, of course, not to mention English Corner.

Based on the above told, so achievable would remain your English that you will improve further in English in such a way as this: only by learning each other’s strong points in putting English into practice, will you get ready for the speech competition taking place between you and students from other universities.

Taking on challenges, you, if interested in being selected for top-6 candidates by competition in the university, are expected to come to be excellent debaters with those from other universities. This will keep you wise in asking their questions continuously and set you broad-minded quickly in reply to all questions which are done by counter-party. To your improvement in English, your kindly valuable comments together with suggestions would be welcome to make on the above-planned life in the Club.

I wish my dream could come true for being a well-qualified president in the English Club since I will back in favor with you, who would have developed proficiency in English, in my belief.

Thank you.( speech given on winning votes hopefully)

上述英语作文可以显示:经过逻辑思考的各类学生(中高考、大学生、研究生写英语作文)写作就是优秀的;没有经逻辑思维的学生们写作英语作文,常常是模板套作的“味道”,这两种方法的英语作文让学生们考虑到一个问题,例如:张口说话的人就能把一个问题阐述清楚吗?是植物就可以生长好吗?还是不能好生长?类似这样的问题肯定得经过思考才能答得准确或推出正确结论。否则学生们表达语言都是令人惊讶的,甚至推出了不当的结论。这是因为英文写作之前用逻辑思维的脑筋是否作了周全的考虑,为此导致:上述得高分的英语作文是经过逻辑思维考虑后而写的;判卷老师给予“降档次扣分数”的英语作文是用“抄模板套套作”写的,例如:充斥模板痕迹(naturally speaking, in my view, in conclusion, As you know, in my opinion…),影响了主题思想表达,写出无效模板“凑字数”之文。


