
以下是高三网小编整理的50字的英语日记,欢迎阅读。 1 英语日记50字带翻译(一) Today, I saw a roadside beggar. He is a middle-aged man, only two arms, and...


  1. 我看到一句写的很简单,也很好,口语化。No more war. No more genocide. No more tyranny 不再有战争。不再有种族灭绝。不再有暴政。
  2. ... looked primed for victory 已经做好获胜的准备 primed是 on the point of doing的意思,即将获胜。
  3. An exit poll is a survey in which people who have just voted in an election are asked which candidate they voted for. 选后民调
    ? Exit polls showed Mr Ventura was backed by supporters of all ages.

4. ... netted 43.4% of votes 获取了43.4%选票 net有获取的意思


5. 高度警戒怎么翻?.... is on high alert

6. 即将离任的总统怎么翻译?the outgoing President

7. Chile's constitutional assembly 智利制宪会议

8. 无比团结,铁打不动,没有任何人能撼动的团结 英文怎么翻?ironclad unity
If you describe a guarantee or plan as ironclad, you are emphasizing that it has been carefully put together, and that you think it is absolutely certain to work or be successful. 无懈可击的
...ironclad guarantees of safe passage.

9. 逐渐增加压力怎么翻ratchet up pressure on
ratchet up的英文意思是
to increase/reduce something over a period of time
例1:The debate should ratchet up awareness of the problem among members of the general public.
例2:The government was accused of ratcheting up pressure on the health services.

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