环保 英文「环保的英语词汇」




  • climate change气候变化
  • greenhouse effect温室效应
  • tropical rainforest热带雨林
  • global warming全球变暖
  • acid rain酸雨
  • Arctic melting北极冰融
  • dust, raffle, waste, rubbish, garbage垃圾
  • white pollution白色污染
  • use up, exhaust用尽
  • pollute, contaminate污染
  • severe, grave, grievous严重的
  • disposable chopsticks一次性筷子
  • disposable meal boxes一次性饭盒
  • plastic sack, plastic bag 塑料袋
  • source of contamination, pollution source污染源
  • sewage, effluent污水
  • motorcycle摩托车
  • automobile汽车
  • noise pollution噪声污染
  • waste reclamation, waste recycling, waste recovery废物回收利用
  • environmental protection/conservation环境保护
  • environmental awareness/consciousness环保意识
  • ecosystem生态系统
  • sustainable development可持续发展
  • ecological balance / equilibrium生态平衡
  • national legislation国家立法
  • enhance/raise/escalate the environmental awareness增强/高环保意识
  • promote shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变
  • curb environmental pollution/bring the pollution under control治理环境污染
  • develop renewable resources开发可再生资源
  • Ecosystems have been destroyed.生态系统破坏
  • extinction/disappearance灭绝
  • impact, implication影响
  • over-hunting过度捕捞
  • lack of environmental awareness缺乏环保意识
  • uphold harmonious coexistence坚持和谐相处
  • the prohibition of torture禁止虐待行为
  • increase the publicity加大宣传力度
  • raise protection consciousness/awareness增强保护意识
  • cultural relics and historic site文化古迹
  • ruins遗址
  • be famous for/as因为……而闻名/作为……而闻名
  • places of interest名胜古迹


  • scientific and technological achievements科技成果
  • advance of science and technology科技进步
  • technological innovations科技创新
  • information age/era信息时代
  • widen/broaden one’s vision开阔眼界
  • information explosion信息爆炸
  • automation自动化
  • promote trade activity across the border促进跨境贸易活动
  • prevalent, ubiquitous, pervasive无处不在的
  • shopping online网上购物
  • amusement, recreation, entertainment娱乐
  • convenience方便
  • surf the Internet网上冲浪
  • net addiction沉溺网络
  • pirated products盗版产品
  • computer games电脑游戏
  • celebrities名人
  • computer crime电脑犯罪
  • e-commerce电子商务
  • virtual life虚拟生活
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