

地图题一直以来都是雅思小作文中最让学生头痛的一种题型,其中主要原因之一是缺乏与这类题目相关的词汇和短语的积累。下面天津环球教育张婷老师为同学们进行总结和讲解,并通过一道来自剑桥雅思12 TEST6的题目来为大家展示如何应用这些词汇及短语。



表示新建:be constructed/ built/ addede.g. A newly built library could be found next to the lake. A new library was built next to the lake.

表示拆除:be demolished/ removed/ knocked down.

表示扩建:be expanded/enlarged/ extended e.g. The expansion of village A was seen.Village A was expanded.

表示改建:The factory was converted into apartmentsThe small park was made into a childrens playground. The old fashioned town was turned into a modern city. The hospital was replaced by a new school. The trees were cleared to make way for houses.

表示迁址:The shopping centre was relocated to the south of the car park.

表示改变大小:The school will be reduced in size.

?表示未发生变化:The shops will remain unchanged.




主体段落展示:At present, people can enter the town centre through the main road, running from east to west, on both sides of which a variety of shops are located. There are also housing, a school and a park situated in the south of the town centre. The new plan is to build a circular dual carriageway around the town centre, and the main road will be turned into a pedestrians only street. The shops to the north of the street are expected to be converted into a bus station, shopping centre, car park and new housing, while the ones on the other side of the new pedestrians area will remain unchanged. The park in the south east of the town will be reduced in size to make way for new houses. Also, there will be a slight alteration made to the shape of the school.

同学们可以重点关注此范文的划线部分,学习这些短语的使用方法。同时注意描述顺序(从北向南,从外向内)和时态的使用,尤其是表将来的几种用法(will, be expected to, the new plan is to…)。


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