dropby「drop by 和drop in的区别」

语义上的区别: drop in指临时去拜访,顺便去拜访,即没有事先安排去拜访,只是临时起意而顺道拜访而已。 drop by则没有明确的说明是顺便去拜访还是事先安排好的...

来自VOA的[ Ask a Teacher ] Drop By and Drop In (2021/10/1) 节选

有个人问我“drop in”(临时起意的顺道拜访)和“drop by”(没有明确说明是顺便去拜访还是事先安排好的要去拜访)之间的区别,这里我们就借用VOA的一篇学习文章来解答一下。

Both of these expressions mean to pay someone or something an informal visit.




一、Drop By

1、It is a two-part phrasal verb, which means it combines a verb and an adverb. The verb is "drop," which usually describes something falling in small amounts. The adverb is "by" which means "near."


Drop by是一个由两部分组成的短语动词,结合了动词和副词。动词是drop,通常描述的是少量掉落的东西;副词是by,意思是near(附近)。

Drop by的字面意思是掉在附近,但我们一般只使用其引申含义:顺道拜访。


I asked James to drop by the coffee house tonight to hear our music.



自学英语 顺道拜访用Drop By还是Drop In?

见面打个招呼就可以用Drop By了,没必要进去拜访的地方

2、I found that people are using "drop by" to talk about the places they visit on a computer, as well as in person. Here are some examples:

(1)Please drop by my other blog on photography.


(2)Drop by every Monday for a new Mainly about Boats column.

每周一顺道来看一下新专栏——Mainly about Boats


人们经常用“drop by”来讨论他们在电脑上访问或者亲自去的地方。访问某某网站用drop by是一个常用的用法。

自学英语 顺道拜访用Drop By还是Drop In?

浏览某个网址可以用drop by WWW.XXXXX

二、Drop In

1、Next, we can look at "drop in." This expression can be a two or three-word phrasal verb. The two-word form, "drop in," can be used like "drop by" with one difference – if you go to a place and plan to enter it, you would say:

I was passing your street and thought I'd drop in – do you have time for tea?


If you did not plan to enter the house or building, you could use "drop by, as in:

I will drop by tomorrow and put the letter under your door.

如果你不打算进去该房屋或者建筑物,你可以用drop by。如:我明天会顺道过来,把信放你家门下。


Drop in的动词短语有两种形式,一种是drop in另一种是drop in on。如果你要拜访人家家里,确实要进入屋内,那你预约或者说明的时候一定要用drop in。

自学英语 顺道拜访用Drop By还是Drop In?

去人家家里要用Drop In

三、Drop In on someone

The three-word phrasal verb form is "drop in on." You might hear it used this way: Every now and then he would drop in on Grandmother for a quick chat.


You can tell from this final example that we use "drop in on" when we are talking about entering someone's home:

The middle of the night is a bad time to drop in on a friend, but we could see that Megan needed help.



自学英语 顺道拜访用Drop By还是Drop In?

Drop in on+someone是固定用法,表示拜访某人,至于地点无所谓

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