

Lesson 42 Not very musical

1、tell the difference between… 辨别……之间的不同

2、have + 名词,代替普通动词

例句:I walked in the garden.

I had a walk in the garden.

have a walk 代替walk

He wanted to drink a glass of water.

He wanted to have a drink of water.

have a drink 代替drink

3、 pick + 介词的几种用法:

(1) He picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins.

pick up 拿起

(2) I’ll pick you up in the car this evening.

pick sb. up 接某人

(3) I picked up a lot of English while I was in England

pick up 学到

(4) There are so many beautiful cards on display, I can’t pick out the ones I like best.

pick out 挑出


We watched a snake charmer in a square in Old Delhi. He had a long pipe and two large baskets. He played a tune and the snake began to follow the movements of the pipe in one of the baskets. Then the snake charmer played modern tunes, but the snake continued to dance slowly. It did not know the difference between Indian music and jazz.


This text described that after the writer and his friends had had a long walk through one of the markets in India, they noticed a snake charmer at the side of a square. They went to have a look at him for satisfying their curiosity. Just as they were getting there, the snake charmer began to play a tune.

The tune which the snake charmer played was gentle and slow. The snake began to ‘dance’ following the tune. It looked like a well-trained snake. But when the snake charmer began to play jazz and modern songs, it seemed that it did not hear the change of the tune and continued to ‘dance’ slowly. So, a snake can’t be trained to learn music.

In my childhood, I used to go to hometown living with my grandparents in summer holidays. My hometown is a small town and there are village fairs were held frequently. A monkey charmer always appeared at the fairs. Usually, the charmer held a copper gong and struck it, then the monkey would make different movements in respond to the rhythm of his master. The audiences would reward small sums of money for the exciting performances.

I never like watching monkey show. Not because of sympathy for the monkeys as many people do. It is easy to sympathize a monkey for it was tied by a rope and acted at the mercy of people.

But I don’t think that the monkey was cute and lovely. It made threatening gestures and jumped up and down, even hurt people surrounded it. So, I always keep away from the monkey at fairs.

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